Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Mint and Leopard

(feelin' sassy)
My first outfit post in awhile! It is still scorching summer here in OKC, so I needed an outfit that is both professional and survivable in the 100+ heat!  Here it is!
School is back in full swing. Here is some of the hilarity from today:
"Miss L, would you date a man that's been in jail?"
"Well there goes half the population!"
"Miss L, if you got a man, he would clean up your cat's crap!"
Oh dear! Silly gooses.
Happy Hump Day All!

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

How to Plan a Month of Meals... In one day.

Hello Sweet Friends! This weekend I took on a new adventure. I decided to plan and create one month of freezer meals in ONE DAY.  I had read about this on pinterest and other blogs, but I had been wary to take on the challenge myself. 
School has started  back for me (I teach art at an elementary school here in OKC).  As any other teachers out there can relate, I was sadly thinking it was time to say goodbye to my summer of yummy, homecooked meals.  I decided to try this out instead, and oh my, I don't think I can ever go back to regular meal planning.
I love cooking, but I have always hated the stress of making the list, going to the store, and coming home (climbing three flights of stairs WITH groceries) only to have to repeat the same process a few days later. YUCK.  This is eliminating almost all of that yuck to just one day, which is really quite an adventure, especially if you rope in a friend or loved one!
Now, on to HOW I did this.
(Coffee is a Monday morning's best friend, can I get an AMEN!)
1. To start, I chose my recipes and made my list.  I personally chose nine full dinner meals, for two a week. You may choose more or less depending on how much you and your family eats, leftovers, going out to dinner, etc.  Being super single myself I chose 9 (2 per week plus an extra in case one runs short or I share it).
I chose to only make meals for the crockpot to eliminate all that cooking time.  If you want to throw in some regularly cooked meals, it works just the same (combine and freeze).
I divided my list into different categories with the grocery store in mind. That way I can go to each department only ONCE.  This will save you so much time!! (Note: This list is totally a mock up to give you an idea of how it works. Mine was much longer and was scribbled all over by the time I left the store! :-))
If you are trying to avoid going back to the store throughout the month (like me), try to remember other things you will want for your meals like snacks, breakfast food, and personal items.  I made an "other" category for things like catfood, toothpaste, etc. 
(the most food I have ever had in my apartment at once. AHH!)
2. The shopping trip was definitely the most daunting part.  I recommend going early or late in the morning to avoid crowds.  This is not a good 5 o clock in the afternoon project unless you are very brave!  I recommend getting a yummy coffee or treat before going to keep you motivated and happy!  Also grab a friend, spouse, or loved one if they are willing to cut down the gathering.
I went to two different stores.  The first store I went to (Aldi) is a super discount store here in OKC.  I got as much as I could there for a great price. 
I went to Wal*Mart (insert screams of terror here) for the rest of it.  The prices were ok but not as great as Aldi.  I went there because I can get my personal items there too and not have to make a third trip. 
I live on the third floor, so I carred all this up and down the stairs, in a dress (naturally).  No cardio workout for that day!
3.  I chose to do ONLY freezer meals for the crockpot to eliminate cooking time.  However this same idea works with regular meals too, because you can freeze just about anything! I did some research and most food can be frozen and stored for a good length of time.  Be wary of combining sauce with noodles, bread, and veggies, as it could make them limp or not cook as well.  Freeze it separately though will work fine.
I went through all of those groceries one recipe at a time, labeling each bag with the recipe name before I started to put the indgredients in.  Some of my recipes needed two bags for veggies and some just one.  This part only took me an hour and a half for 9 meals.   I saved the recipes on my phone for easy access and so I didn't have to write them out.
When you are ready to eat your meal, take it out of the freezer 12-24 hours and put it in the fridge to thaw.
4.  Cooking them has been a dream so far.  In the morning I put a crockpot liner (these are found next to the baggies at the grocery store) in my crockpot and put the dinner in! These liners are a lifesaver, no more scrubbing the crockpot yayyyyy!  Since I teach my days are long I convert any recipes on High to Low with this chart.
5. When you arrive home, you have a delicious meal prepared.  I picked up some simple sides at the store, such as rice, frozen veggie packs, instant mashed potatoes, pastas, etc.  Heat those up and you have a delicious meal and possibly leftovers!
I will post more recipes as I try them.  Here are a couple great websites that I used:
Thank you all! I hope you enjoy your meal planning as much as I have.  I am super relaxed now and have a lot more time when I get home as well as healthier meals. 
I have also started prepping smoothies for the morning, so look forward to that blog post soon!

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

tribal maxi //fun in the sun

(my new obsession)
Hello Loves.  It has taken me awhile to get on the tribal print bandwagon, but I could not resist it in this maxi dress!  If you are like me you are equally obsessed with these dresses for their cuteness, and versatility. Oh, and throw a sweater or button up with it and we have work appropriate too, CHA-CHING!!
This week has been my first week of summer break.  I am still working, at a local bank that I have worked at on and off since college. It is such an amazing job.. great hours and great people.  I have trouble sitting still, so I love keeping busy and keeping in budget by still working!! :-)
This Friday is my sister and I's birthday! We are spending the day together tomorrow and I am sooo excited, I cannot wait to post about it.  My sister is very special to me.  How lucky I am that we also get to share the same birthday!!
(My sister and I at Redfest in Austin, TX)

Tuesday, June 3, 2014

ahoy matey

(stripes and anchors, oh my!)
Happy Tuesday All!
It was a hot one in OKC today (welcome summer!).  Somehow, even when it's 92 outside, it is still 65 inside work.  I am happy I had this fuzzy sweater to wear with todays ensemble to keep me warm.  The rest of the outfit made me feel nice and sunny all day though.  Points for me adding pops of color, still my yearly goal of brightening my neutral heavy wardrobe.
Not too much to report here, except I finally started watching Dexter today (a bit delayed, I know).  I find it really interesting but definitely a bit gross at the same time.  Does it get better? Worse? Is this a good summer watch?
What else can I add to my summer Netflix queue?

long time no see

(lace hi-lo skirt and booties)
Hello, my long lost loves.  Somehow OKCGlam has suffered due to end of the year teacher doldrums and straight-up craziness!  I have survived the final quarter of our school year.   This included our district art show, school musical, retirement parties, slews of 5th grade activities plus attempts at having a social life and a career... phew!  No wonder I slept over 12 hours last night. #sorrynotsorry
This week I am teaching at a local art school/gallery/studio called Oklahoma Contemporary.  I am teaching sweet 5-7 year olds art this week and I am loving it!
I also love that I can wear heels at this job and not die.  I'm sure you other fashionista's understand!!
Here is my first summer work and summer play outfit. I love wearing outfits that are cute enough to wear straight from work to dinner with friends or wherever the day is taking me.
What are your summer outfit inspirations? Leave me some love!

Friday, April 11, 2014

hear me roar

TGIF, World!! I am feeling in much better spirits on this Friday.  Who knew that happy hour + great talks with your sisters/friendsthatarelikesisters can really lift your spirits? ;-) Never forget the power of girlfriends, my loves!
I think this outfit and skirt is just grrrreat!  I bought this skirt at Rue 21 this week.  It was one of those purchases that just yelled out at me.  I definiteily know this one will stay in my wardrobe for awhile.  I will wear it with tights in the fall and winter.  I do alot alot of consignment shopping so I tend to rotate clothes in and out.  I get excited when I find one that will stick with me  for awhile.  I suppose I have commitment phobia with my clothes!
I also completely agree with the thought that leopard is a neutral! Do you? What pieces do you have in your wardrobe that are a staple?
Happy Weekend, Loves!

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Life is but a dream

Happy Wednesday, World.. We have made it past hump day, so now we are at my favorite part of the week. 
I have to say, the past week or so, life has been many things, but not a dream.  Just one of those times you feel like you are waiting for the world to catch up to you.  I know this is a blog mostly about clothes and crafts, but I will have to throw some of that real life  b.s. in here every now and again. ;-)
Lately God is really testing my hope and my faith.  Although it is easy for me to want to resign to the path of least resistance, it is not at all in my nature.  My brain always wonders what will happen if we try to make things better. What happens if we try to make ourselves better? Each other? Our relationships?  Our days? Our cities? What if every moment we spent to make this often bleak place something of beauty and brightness.
As great as all these thoughts are, my frustration lately is that others do not see that.  I am not perfect, but lately I am frustrated at the lack of work and ethics in the world around me.  Shouldn't we work to make others lives a dream?
Anyway, I digress.  In short, please work today to do something kind for someone else.  Trust me, I have to pull myself from daydreaming about new dresses and necklaces just like everyone else.   Just remember how much a random act of kindness can really mean.
Now, on to the outfit. To cheer up my bleak moods of this week, I created a dreamy outfit! (Hey we all express ourselves differently, haha.)  I am in love with maxi dresses, and now that its finally warming up for a minute I can wear this lovely light blue one with a soft pink necklace. How is that for some color in my life.
Thank you if you read through this whole post. I don't write this to bring anyone down or to discredit but maybe to see if there are otherse who struggle with the same thoughts I have.  Let me know. Xoxo,

Monday, April 7, 2014

Teacher Chambray

In continuation of me trying to brighten up my wardrobe, here is a work outfit that I just ADORE.  I brightened up this wonderful chambray shirt (so perfect with the touches of lace) with a bright yellow skirt and yellow statement necklace. Most of my statement necklaces I get from Rue 21.  They are super affordable and adorable!
As for everything else, Monday has flown by.  We painted and drew, drew and painted alllll day long.  We are currently studying Monet, who is my favorite artist so I have been enjoying it and I think my students have too!
Today we are having lots of April showers... so I can't wait to see May flowers!  I love wearing all of my transition outfits but I cannot wait to walk out of school, climb in the car, and roll the windows down while working on my (non existent) tan!
What are you dreaming about for summer?

Sunday, April 6, 2014

Sugar and Spice

Happy rainy Sunday from OKC everyone!  It is quite the dreary day out today, but I love the rain personally it always makes everything so clean and new. It also makes me slow down which is a rare moment in my life.
On this beautiful Sunday I have snoozed, watched Netflix, and ventured out of my apartment just twice (once for groceries, once for church).  Usually my weekends become jam packed,.so I am so thankful and blessed for this slow one!
Now for todays outfit, I got this beautiful floral scarf at H & M in Dallas. Ohh how I wish we had H & M in OKC!!!  I love this scarf and its sweet look.  To spice it up (and warm up, literally) I paired it with a leather jacket. I love the trend of "Sugar and Spice", mixing florals and lace with leather and studs.
Do you ever wear this look?  What relaxing thing did you do for yourself this weekend?
Take care lovelies, and definitely do something nice just for you today!

Saturday, April 5, 2014

Pink and Navy

Happy Saturday, Loves!  I apologize for my short hiatus...  As any teachers know, spring break and thereafter is a madhouse of activity!  At least with all this activity, the sun is slowly starting to come out (c'mon, spring!!) and I can start wearing all the dresses I have been saving all year.
My springtime goal is also to start adding more bold color to my wardrobe.  I will talk more on that in future posts, but help remind me to stay away from beige, cream, tan, light brown, white and black.. for some reason these colors call out to me constantly!
Although I know navy is still a neutral, I thought mixing some pink and navy would brighten me right up for spring.  So here are a couple of looks from this past week.
How do you brighten up your neutrals?  Are you still transitioning into spring?
Happy Weekend everyone!

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Go Green// Happy St. Patty's Day

(Das Boot)
Happy (Belated) St. Patrick's Day everyone! I hope no one got pinched! I must say I did a little pinching of my own! Mwahaha! ;-)
Yesterday was a wonderful day of shopping with my sister, both for clothes and for my nephews 11th  birthday party today! Ahh I cannot wait.  This little boot goody was found at my Target (tar-jhay if you're fancy). 
Now as you can tell, mint green was the only green I was rockin yesterday! I love love love this hi lo skirt. Another great transition outfit for awkward Oklahoma weather!
Check out my sister's clothing haul from yesterday! For a girl who never wears colors I am so proud of that bright pink dress!

Monday, March 17, 2014

Lace Love

As I post this, OKC is sitting at a brisk 39 degrees. To think it was gorgeous and in the 70's on Friday when I took this! C'est la Oklahoma.
I am literaly obsessed with lace right now, and this shirt iis no exception. I got it from Target and it is so versatile and beautiful!  I decided to let my poor pale legs out for some sun on Friday and wear it with shorts and my new heeled booties.  I'm sorry if you need sunglasses for this picture! ;-)
Today I am going to help my sister get ready for my nephews birthday party and I am so excited. I am also excited because I slept in. It was amazing.
Are you on spring break? What are your plans?  Are you as lace obsessed as I am, and how do you wear it? I just might need your ideas!

Sunday, March 16, 2014

Tribal Sweater

(If I had my own tribe, we would wear pink...)
Happy Sunday lovelies!! It is that BEAUTIFUL (even though its in the 30's out in OKC..) time of year called SPRING BREAK! I knew this was a wonderful gift of a break as a student, but I honestly know I enjoy it much more now as a teacher! But I was an "honors kid" so, hey.
I have been in Dallas this weekend with my sweet friend Heather. We had an amazing, amazing girls trip and I am so thankful for her and some time away!
Here is my travel outfit for todays yucky weather. Spring is not quite upon us yet, but thats ok because I get to wear this amazing soft pink sweater! It's from Rue 21, as a lot of my things are.  I really look forward to wearing this with shorts, dresses, tights, you name it.  It is a perfect transition piece!!
Be prepared for Dallas pics this week! What did you do this weekend? Are you spring ready yet? I know I am!

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Work Swag Wednesday

Happy Wednesday Loves.  Here is to a a beautiful week! Yesterday was my first real taste of spring, so I got to wear this sweet pink/coral lacce dress. I paired it with a floral scarf, statement necklace and cardi plus some flats.
I am still working on the picture quality for my blog.  I downloaded VSCO app and I am playing with it to help with my iphone photography.
In time I want to purchase a good DSLR camera. Does any other bloggers out there have any recommendations?  Remember I am on a teachers budget so it will be a splurge and I'd like to have something nice but nothing crazy over the top in price. I would love any input someone has!
A quick post today, as I am at school on lunch, and kindergarteners are almost here!!!!!! Happy Hump Day y'all!

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Maxi Rules

(work vs. play)
Hello loves! I am sooo excited for the beautiful spring weather we are getting here! I of course had to wear my favorite new maxi that I picked up this week. I got it at Rue 21 for $7.00 and I am OBSESSED.
There are so many ways to wear a maxi, and I wanted to include a couple in my post today.
On the left is a great work look. tuck in a high neck shirt or collared shirt with your maxi and a nice statement necklace. Of course a cardigan would also dress this right up!  In colder weather add a scarf, leather jacket and tights/boots and you can still look chic.
On the left is my "play" look. When I am out of work I like to change into more playful and youthful attire.  I love the crop top trend so I paired a denim top with it. If you want a more conservative look a tank and leather jacket will also create the same look!
For more ideas check my Pinterest Fashion Board HERE!

Monday, March 10, 2014

i brake for birds// polka dots linkup

Monday, Monday lovelies!  It has been crazy, crazy weather this week. It was in the 30's this morning and now well into the 70's this afternoon! I decided to show you my way to make a cute transition outfit.
I love this outfit because the dress is sleeveless, so you can go from coat and scarf, to sweater, to a sleeveless dress and be perfectly comfy all day. Cheers to that.
I added this for a little fun to your Monday. Also because this is well, my life. I am Zoey in this show! If you love polka dots OR New Girl leave me some love below in the comments!
I am linking up my polka dots today thanks to Because Shanna Said So! Go check her and the other lovely  bloggers out! :-)

Sunday, March 9, 2014

Loose Lace

Happy Weekend, Lovelies!
This has been a wonderful yet very cold weekend.  I spent most of yesterday helping out at our local Science Olympiad competition with my students and PEAK teacher. It was fun but tiring! Thanks to my sister who gifted with me a caramel macchiato! #bestsisterever
This was my outfit yesterday since I love wearing white, especially when I am not at school! (No chances for messes, spills, handprints, etc etc etc)  I adore lace right now.  It has taken awhile for me to get on the loose fitting dress trend but now I am pretty much obsessed. I love anything vintage or retro and it makes me feel like I have taken a step back a few decades when I wear it! Woohoo.
How do you feel about flowy dresses? How do you style them? Have a sensation Sunday, everyone!

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Wednesday Work Swag

(red, white, and leopard!)
Hello loves! I hope you are having a wonderful workweek!  Here is some "work swag" for your Wednesday enjoyment!  I paired a red pencil skirt, a white bouse, and eopard cardigan for a cute but work appropriate look. After two snow days off, I was honestly pretty ready to go back to work!
(check out my bling.  And no, my hand is not bruised just hazards of being an art teacher!)
What kind of work swag do you wear?  I love keeping my work wear fun, and fashionable, but still appropriate since I am with children all day.  A happy reminder... 2 days til the weekend!! :-)

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

my girly home// living room redux

(I love these pieces as I thrifted both of them before I moved to this apartment! So giry and shabby chic)
Welcome to my girly living room redux! I decided to update some touches of my home decor to share with you today!
(I am so in love with these golden butterflies flying across my wall!)

With the ice and snow that has hit OKC, I have been out of school for 2 days! Hmm... now how to fill my time.. Well I have filled it with some redecorating and also catching up on The Bachelor! (Oh, the drama..)

(Live Well, Laugh Often, Love Much)

I am a very girly girl. I did not picture my furniture, but it is a cream color with pink pillows. It's a very country chic, and I got the whole set for $70.00.. Gotta love ballin on a budget!
(More white flowers, I love)

My living room theme is pink, white, and metallic. I rearranged some things from my bedroom and also supplemented with a very snowy trip to Hobby Lobby where I did get stuck in the snow. I left that corner smelling like hot rubber thats for sure!
(I love you to the Moon and Back.. le sigh!)
(You can't tell but the two flowers are burlap, plus a sweet pea candle from Hobby Lobby.. gotta get this place smelling nice!)

I love the little accents. I also crafted a few things which I will incude in a future DIY post so hang on to your seats out there!!

I hope if you have ice and snow where you are you are warm, cozy, and have hot cocoa (oh and maybe the bacheor). Happy Tuesday Everyone!


Monday, March 3, 2014

i have nothing to wear

(Gotta be ready for 5 degree weather.. Thanks OKC)
Well it has continued to stay frigid in OKC.. a nice ice storm has lead me to NO SCHOOL TODAY. I figure I will celebrate now and let June Amanda worry about that when we are still  making up all the days we have missed!

This frigid day has made it the absolute perfect day to wear my new favorite sweater!! I got this on a whim at Charlotte Russe a week or so ago. It is the softest, cuddliest shirt ever and fits like a dream.  I paired it with my sparkly boots for some blang blang, and my favorite warm tights.
Speaking of sweater tights.. does anyone else have a problem with them riding down? Or am I the only one that needs suspenders for my tights...
BTW you can order this amazing sweater here!
I have to say I am really into the words shirts trend (not really sure what to call that, I haven't had all my coffee yet!!).  Here are a few more you can find on my pinterest board that I find myself dreaming about!



Sunday, March 2, 2014

Sunday Confessional {Link Up}

1. I confess that I have neglected my apartment all week. In preparing my new/old classroom and cleaning, organizing, and shopping for it.. I have totally neglected my apartment. My sweet little treehouse looks like a mini-tornado ran through it. Oh dear!!

2. I confess that I am so excited for spring!!! My mind has already switched gears. I am dreaming of flowy skirts, sandals, and sunhats.  However the OKC weather currently reads ten degrees and snow.  Come on Jack Frost, have your last hurrah and be done with it!!

3. I confess that I plan all my outfits out on Sundays. This is a new ritual, and it completely saves my brain during the week. I check the weather, plan daily, and throw in a couple extra outfits should I change my mind. HANDLED.

4. I confess that I am leaning on God alot right now. For some reason, my brain and heart do not understand God's plan for me right now.I am definitely in a frustrated and restless time in my life. I confess that I am praying about it and really working on releasing my worries. (Tryin' to keep it real, folks)

5. I confess that I got my tattoo fixed Friday... and I want more. I totally understand tattoos are not for everyone.  I myself originally found them to be trashy.. but then I saw good tattoos. I also started to understand how personal they can be. Being an artist and creative soul, my tattoos have brought me so much joy and release. 

I have a little angel wing on each foot (a la Hermes), and I adore them. I got them touched up Friday and am so excited! Minus the part that I am not really supposed to wear shoes andddd it's 10 degrees outside. No bueno.

(And here it is, in black and white:))
This link up is courtesy of A Blonde Ambition. Go check out her amazing Southern Style!

Cake cake cake// i leopard obsessed pt. 2

(Kelsea, V and I. Oh and more leopard. Grr:))
Today my friends and I celebrated my sweet friend V's birthday! We are celebrating our 20th year of being friends so it has been an exciting year.  My friend Kelsea and I are celebrating our 15th year! Go us!

(here are more of our friends and the delicous Whiskey Cake!)
We ate and gabbed at a newer restaurant here in OKC called Whiskey Cake. I had the chicken and waffles, soo so so amazing! I would definitely go back. They also offer full french presses of coffee, and well, yes, I'll be going back.  It was a great way to celebrate on a cold and blustery day here in OKC!

(Me and Kelsea)
My dearest Kelsea is also a blogger. Please go check out her link HERE.  She is a beautiful writer and also very witty!

(Beautiful 27!)
I was literally in a cake coma yesterday afternoon! After the Whiskey Cake her boyfriend surprised her with this beautiful raspberry creme cake from La Baguette, a french bakery and restaurant here in OKC. I highly recommend it it was delicious!

We also tried some Miracle Frooties, which have this magical ability to make sour fruits and foods taste amazing!! I licked a lemon, a lime, grapefruit, and kiwi.  They all tasted like sweet candy! mmm!
It was a fun day with some sweet people. Happy Birthday V!!!

Friday, February 28, 2014

Casual Friday// I am Leopard Obsessed

(oh my, poor posture alert!)

Happy Friday and TGIF my blog lovelies!!  For me this week has flown by.  I am still busy working on moving and redecorating my new/old art room. I can't wait to show you my big reveal!!

(still working on gettin clearer photos!)
I often skip casual friday just because I would rather wear a dress or skirt and be ready to look cute for going out that evening.  But this week I needed/wanted to rock some skinny jeans. I spruced up this turquoise tee with a leopard tank and some long pearls. Also my sparkly Steve Madden flats.
I am pretty obsessed with all things leopard. Even my car matts are leopard!! If you want to see more of my leopard obsession (and well just my fashion wants in general) check out my Pinterest Board and make sure to follow me too!!
I hope you all have a fabulous Friday! I am getting my wing tattoos fixed tonight, so please wish me luck!!