Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Life is but a dream

Happy Wednesday, World.. We have made it past hump day, so now we are at my favorite part of the week. 
I have to say, the past week or so, life has been many things, but not a dream.  Just one of those times you feel like you are waiting for the world to catch up to you.  I know this is a blog mostly about clothes and crafts, but I will have to throw some of that real life  b.s. in here every now and again. ;-)
Lately God is really testing my hope and my faith.  Although it is easy for me to want to resign to the path of least resistance, it is not at all in my nature.  My brain always wonders what will happen if we try to make things better. What happens if we try to make ourselves better? Each other? Our relationships?  Our days? Our cities? What if every moment we spent to make this often bleak place something of beauty and brightness.
As great as all these thoughts are, my frustration lately is that others do not see that.  I am not perfect, but lately I am frustrated at the lack of work and ethics in the world around me.  Shouldn't we work to make others lives a dream?
Anyway, I digress.  In short, please work today to do something kind for someone else.  Trust me, I have to pull myself from daydreaming about new dresses and necklaces just like everyone else.   Just remember how much a random act of kindness can really mean.
Now, on to the outfit. To cheer up my bleak moods of this week, I created a dreamy outfit! (Hey we all express ourselves differently, haha.)  I am in love with maxi dresses, and now that its finally warming up for a minute I can wear this lovely light blue one with a soft pink necklace. How is that for some color in my life.
Thank you if you read through this whole post. I don't write this to bring anyone down or to discredit but maybe to see if there are otherse who struggle with the same thoughts I have.  Let me know. Xoxo,

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