Friday, February 28, 2014

Casual Friday// I am Leopard Obsessed

(oh my, poor posture alert!)

Happy Friday and TGIF my blog lovelies!!  For me this week has flown by.  I am still busy working on moving and redecorating my new/old art room. I can't wait to show you my big reveal!!

(still working on gettin clearer photos!)
I often skip casual friday just because I would rather wear a dress or skirt and be ready to look cute for going out that evening.  But this week I needed/wanted to rock some skinny jeans. I spruced up this turquoise tee with a leopard tank and some long pearls. Also my sparkly Steve Madden flats.
I am pretty obsessed with all things leopard. Even my car matts are leopard!! If you want to see more of my leopard obsession (and well just my fashion wants in general) check out my Pinterest Board and make sure to follow me too!!
I hope you all have a fabulous Friday! I am getting my wing tattoos fixed tonight, so please wish me luck!!

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Anchors Away!!

Ahoy to this adorable dress I got recently at Rue 21. I have definitely been slow in warming up to the "nautical" trend, but with this dress it was so easy! It has definitely turned winter here again in OKC, so I paired it with fleece tights, leather boots and some BLING!
I've been feeling pretty down this week..  I am happy it is Wednesday though we are in the downhill slide. I am working on moving my classroom back to its original spot so busy busy busy! I will be posting some desk decor ideas later in the week.
Have a wonderful Wednesday!


Tuesday, February 25, 2014

and I saw spark(le)s// my first link up

Well hello blog beauties!! I hope you are ready for a TERRIFIC Tuesday.  I am so so excited today because I am doing my first ever link up to another fashion blogger. She is Little Miss Fashion Queen, and boy is she a fashionista! I love her sassy style.

Our link-up today is all about SPARKLE, so I knew I had to wear this pink sparkly chevron top.  It is pretty much all of my favorite things combined.  It is also very smooth and flowy.  This is a work look I am wearing today.  It has gotten cold again here in OKC, so I just take that as more chances for cute 3/4 length tops, and boots.
I also had to bust out some white pants, partly because I love white pants, and partly because I am testing in class today so that means little to no chance of paint splatters, handprints, markers, etc.  All the other teachers out there understand!! :-)
Little Miss Fashion Queen Linkup
Click on the link above to catch this linkup, and see the other sweet and sparkly bloggers out there.
So go out there and shine a little on this Tuesday! :-)

Monday, February 24, 2014

Be a happy goat (pt. 2)// 10 tips for beating anxiety

(My adorable nephew and I. We are happy goats for sure!)
Lately, some friends and I have been reflecting heavily on how to best combat anxiety, depression, and stress in your day to day life.
Anxiety has been something I have battled for many years. I am a high-strung girl by nature, and life's crazy circumstances have sometimes left me very anxious.   I am so happy to say though that this year especially I have found great ways to contain and even eliminate this anxiety from my life, I thought that today would be a great time to share my experiences with you!
OKCGlam's Ten Tips for Beating Anxiety
1. Boundaries. I am a terrible "YES Girl!" in agreeing to do everything. I have finally made peace with the fact that days, or a week, at home is OK! Especially working a stressful job it helps me to remember its ok to say no. Your real friends will get over it.

2. Healthy, happy, hobbies. Hobbies that make you SMILE. Not hobbies you feel like are a chore. I've been learning hula hoop tricks. I can't say why but it makes me happy! My blog makes me happier. Playtime. Things to focus on outside of work.

3. A better diet. My diet is no where near perfect, but i've found adding soy milk, avocados, and more fruit has made a huge difference. I also take liquid forms of b vitamins and iron that make me feel and look so much better. Watch out for high processed food and high sugar. These only add to anxiety!

4. Less caffeine. We all know I love my coffee, but with limits.

5. Things to look forward to. I'm still learning this one, but having trips planned with friends or music festivals or something on the weekend makes everything better.

6. Little rests. Sometimes I make myself sit down and do nothing for 15 minutes... no phone, just breathing, maybe even closing my eyes.

7. Religious/spiritual outlet. So helpful to remember whats really important..... It can be attending a church, consistent volunteering, walks in nature. Make it consistent and a ritual time to renew your soul is most important I have found.

8. Spring cleaning your friends. Ridding myself of negative and anxiety producing people has done me wonders. It takes incredible honesty though...I've lost several friends to this I thought i'd have for life. But I am so much better for it!

9. Super organization. I"ve started planning my outfits and meals out weekly. That means grab and go in the morning. It gives me a little extra sleep time or time with my coffee or even getting to work early! I still have far to go in organization but that really helps. I plan what I will eat for breakfast, lunch, and dinner all week so I have it (no mid week grocery trips). I prepare the lunches in tupperware so I just stick it in my bag and go.

10. Be nice to yourself. I've learned it is ok to splurge on yourself when you need it and in the ways you can. A bottle of bubble bath for me or a nice coffee can make a world of difference.  You are so precious don't forget to TREAT yourself that way!

My happy little goats, I hope this helps.  Report back any other tips you have or if these work for you! Hugs!

Be a happy goat

Well hello, loves. I hope you had a most relaxing weekend!  Here is my outfit from my "Sunday Funday"!  I adore this loose tribal print dress with my fringe boots. I call them my fluffy boots, but I suppose they really are fringe-y. Tomato, tomahto!
My sweet sister sent me this littel gem of cuteness I have posted below.  It really did make me happy about everything when I saw it!
I also found alot of personal peace this weekend.  So I am so thankful for comfy dresses, beautiful weekends, and goats for this great start to a week.

You're welcome! ;-)
~ Amanda

Friday, February 21, 2014

T.G.I.F.// Got My Hurr Did

Alright my love doves! It is HERE! Friday!! The most HOPEFUL day of the week! Today I wanted to dress extra cute for school and mixed up some neutrals and stripes!  I love the kind of weather we are having in Oklahoma right now.  Warm enough to wear skirts and dresses but still cool enough to wear boots! I adore these brown boots.
Funny story, I was hiking and got into some mud last weekend, so I keep feeling little pieces fall down while I'm at school today! A little dirty but a reminder of some fun in the sun. :-)

This week has been INSANELY busy for me. We are on the eve of Youth Arts Month (March) so I have been running around like a chicken with his head cut off! Not to mention its tax season, and I am teaching a painting class to my fellow teachers on Saturday.  Great stuff and many blessings but busy busy busy!
In the midst of my arting, taxes, picking up supplies AND going to a new dr. yesterday I got my hurr did! It was long overdue.  Pictured behind me is my sweet friend/sister-from-anotha-mista/hairstylist!! She is the sweetest and I had so much fun catching up with her.

Voila! Goldilocks is back.  I am extra excited because I am FINALLY getting my hair to grow!! The remedy I have found for me is realizing a lack of iron in my diet.  I have started squirting liquid iron vitamins into my juice every day.

It has done incredible things for my hair and my energy! I would recommend this for anyone who doesn't eat a ton of meat or may be slightly anemic.

Have a wonderful Friday! Tell me how you made your Friday FABULOUS!


Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Work Swag and Wings


It has been back to the land of the little this week (aka back to school).  I love mixing in some fashion forward pieces while still being work appropriate. I find that to always be the battle! I'm sure for all of you teachers out there you understand. First there is the problem of being modest, and second the fact that at any moment your clothes may become a gluey/painty/handprinted mess!
I think somewhere in my third year of teaching I started to say YOLO and wear my favorite pieces to work anyway, since I spend 40 or more hours there every week!!  It's fun though, my students are my best little fashion critics (since we know children are brutally honest hehe).
I did make some very smart investments of some cute aprons (reminder I am the art teacher!) and that has really helped! I still try to leave most white and lacy things for the weekend (sad).
Last night I had the chance to catch up at one of my favorite pubs here in OKC (McNellies) with one of my favorite people, Molly!! I have known her for a whopping 8 years now and I still adore her. We laugh more than most people ever should when they are together. 
Plus there is nothing like a Leinenkugel Sunset Wheat and a grilled cheese with bacon to soothe the Monday blues!! ;) (Healthy, no?)

I couldn't get a great shot of my shoes with this outfit, so here is a close up and atime for me to post about my beloved feet tattoos! I have an angel wing on each foot. They mean so much to me!  They are a reminder for me to stay "grounded" in my faith and also a reminder of my personality which is much like the Greek messenger Hermes, always flitting about from one thing to another. :)  They have faded quickly since they are on my feet, so in 10 days I am getting them touched up (and let me say that is not going to tickle :()
Do you have any tattoos? Any advice on handling the pain? Please post in the comments below!
I hope you all had a MARVELOUS Monday! Thank you for stopping in my little corner of the internet!

Monday, February 17, 2014

Pink and Black to the Max

Three posts in a row? What is this madness! ;-) Hopefully this is the start to a much more consistent blogging experience.  Here is what I wore on my Sunday. I would have to say pink and black are some of my favorite colors to wear. I also am adoring maxi skirts, they are so versatile in any weather (as long as its not slushy outside! I can't imagine dragging around a wet 30 pound skirt LOL.)
Remember you can dress up a maxi to the weather. If it is cold I would wear a cardigan or leather jacket and a scarf.  If it is hot a simple tank will do.  We are having gorgeous mid-weather here in OKC so I wore a black tee with a little lace detail and a leather jacket when it got cooler in the evening.

Yesterday was one of those real blessings of a day.  It started out rough, emotionally, for me.  I went and experienced my first small groups at my church though, and it really took the edge off. It is amazing what God can do through even just simple conversations.  I love being around people where you can just see their HEART so instantly. It was wonderful!

Now back to fashion. I am still adoring statement necklaces they really dress up an outfit. I am on the search for a white one if anyone knows where a great place is to get one? White would go with 99.9% of everything I wear.
It is back to school today, and I am already running a bit late (ACK) but please feel free to leave comments and feedback for me!
Do you wear maxi's? What is your favorite way to dress them up? Have you had a great experience with a small group at your church?

Sunday, February 16, 2014

DIY (Grown Up) Valentine's Gift

Happy BELATED Valentine's Day to all my lovelies out there!!  It may be a few days late but I wanted to post a quick DIY of the Valentine's Day gifts I made this year!

First of all, I would like to say I totally respect those that abstain from alcohol.  But for those of us that delight in a fine drink (and chocolate) here and there, this is perfect!!  I bought some mini-sized chocolate boxes, and mini sized alcohol bottles.  For my girl friends I got UV Cake or Chocolate Cake shots. I used some tape to attach them firmly to the box (you can also use hot glue if you want a firmer hold). 
For the more manly man in your life I found some Gentleman's Jack, or really any drink of their choice.  If you wanted to make this non-alcoholic you could also attach packs of Via Starbucks instant coffees or hot cocoa.
I tied it with some twine or you can use rafia to make it a little more chic.

I also made this idea off of pinterest which turned out super cute.   Same idea, I removed the chocolates (and ate some hehe!) and taped small liquor bottles in.  I left a few chocolates for pizzazz.

This was my Valentine's Day dress this year.  I didn't get any really good shots of it, but I ADORE the skater style and the print.  Does anyone know what that print is called?
Do you have any ideas for cute Valentine's Day gifts? Please share in the comments below!!

Hearts and Stripes

Well HELLO blogging world! It has been such a long time (sad!!) since I have posted!  So much for that New Years resolution of posting every day... BUT there is no time like the present to get back into the swing of things!

I hope that everyone had a wonderful, love filled Valentine's Day.  Mine was incredible. I got to spend time with the people I care about so that was all I could want. Oh and some roses and I got those too! Yay! :-)
This is the outfit I wore the day AFTER Valentiens (yesterday) because I just wasn't quite ready to let the love go yet!  I am in love with stripes and they are super in, so I paired it with my heart scarf to girly it up.


If you haven't noticed so far, I LOVE girly styles! I have really been having fun this year mixing girly pieces in with more fashion forward or masculine prints, styles, and fabrics.
Do you like to get girly or do you like to grunge it up? What did you do for the holiday of love this year?