Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Work Swag and Wings


It has been back to the land of the little this week (aka back to school).  I love mixing in some fashion forward pieces while still being work appropriate. I find that to always be the battle! I'm sure for all of you teachers out there you understand. First there is the problem of being modest, and second the fact that at any moment your clothes may become a gluey/painty/handprinted mess!
I think somewhere in my third year of teaching I started to say YOLO and wear my favorite pieces to work anyway, since I spend 40 or more hours there every week!!  It's fun though, my students are my best little fashion critics (since we know children are brutally honest hehe).
I did make some very smart investments of some cute aprons (reminder I am the art teacher!) and that has really helped! I still try to leave most white and lacy things for the weekend (sad).
Last night I had the chance to catch up at one of my favorite pubs here in OKC (McNellies) with one of my favorite people, Molly!! I have known her for a whopping 8 years now and I still adore her. We laugh more than most people ever should when they are together. 
Plus there is nothing like a Leinenkugel Sunset Wheat and a grilled cheese with bacon to soothe the Monday blues!! ;) (Healthy, no?)

I couldn't get a great shot of my shoes with this outfit, so here is a close up and atime for me to post about my beloved feet tattoos! I have an angel wing on each foot. They mean so much to me!  They are a reminder for me to stay "grounded" in my faith and also a reminder of my personality which is much like the Greek messenger Hermes, always flitting about from one thing to another. :)  They have faded quickly since they are on my feet, so in 10 days I am getting them touched up (and let me say that is not going to tickle :()
Do you have any tattoos? Any advice on handling the pain? Please post in the comments below!
I hope you all had a MARVELOUS Monday! Thank you for stopping in my little corner of the internet!

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